[8:31 PM] Panthers @ Redskins: 1H

How many FANTASY POINTS will the TOP PLAYER record in the 1st Half? (ESPN Standard League)

11 Points or Fewer

12 Points or More


Standard scoring: Passing
· TD Pass = 4pts
· Every 25 passing yards = 1pts
· 2pt Passing Conversion = 2pts
· Interceptions Thrown = -2pts

Standard scoring: Rushing
· TD Rush = 6pts
· Every 10 rushing yards = 1pt
· 2pt Rushing Conversion = 2pts

Standard scoring: Receiving
· TD Reception = 6pts
· Every 10 receiving yards = 1pt
· 2pt Receiving Conversion = 2pts

Standard scoring: Kicking
· FG Made (50+ yards) = 5pts
· FG Made (40-49 yards) = 4pts
· FG Made (0-39 yards) = 3pts
· Each PAT Made = 1pt
· FG Missed (any distance) = -1

StreakSmarts Pick: 12 Points or More

Confidence: 5/10

StreakSmarter Pick